8. What is a galaxy?



8.1 Why is it important to understand our galaxy, the Milky Way?



8.2 The shape of the Milky Way

8.2.1 Why was it difficult to determine the shape?




8.2.2 How was the shape finally measured? What were the roles of Shapley and Leavitt? What is a standard candle?





8.3. Other galaxies

8.3.1 Why wasn’t it obvious that there are other galaxies?




8.3.2 Why was it an important question?




8.3.3 How was the question settled? Roles of Curtis, Hubble, and advances in technology





8.3.4 How are distances to galaxies measured? What is the Local Group? What is the galaxy distance ladder? What are the most critical steps on the ladder?





8.3.5. Dark Matter Why do we think spiral galaxies contain a lot of dark matter? Where is it within the galaxy? What is the dark matter thought to be?



8.3.6.  The interstellar medium   How it was discovered

   Types of nebula







8.3.7  Distribution of galaxies in space What are groups, clusters?
 What is gravitational lensing? How does it work? What can we learn from it?
 What is the overall large scale distribution of galaxies like? How does it relate to galaxy formation?





9. Galaxy Characteristics

9.1 Galaxy types

9.1.1  What are the three main types of galaxies?




9.1.2 What parts of a spiral galaxy are seen at different wavelengths?




9.1.3 How are the most distant galaxies different from nearby ones? Why?





9.2 What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?

9.2.1 What is the Milky Way like? – shape, major parts




9.2.2 What are the stellar populations, and what do they tell us about the Milky Way?




9.2.3 How did the Milky Way form? What is the evidence? What gives it its current appearance (e.g., disk, halo, spiral arms)?





9.3 The center of the Milky Way

9.3.1 Why is it important?





9.3.2 What accounts for most of the energy from the Galactic Center?





9.3.3 Why do we believe there is a supermassive black hole there?





9.4 Active Galactic Nuclei

9.4.1 What powers an active galaxy nucleus (AGN)?







9.4.2 What are the observed consequences from an AGN? Strange emission line properties
 X-ray, radio emission Variability – and what it means Jets, what they are Faster-than-light motions – what causes them




9.4.3 What is a quasar? How were they discovered?




9.4.4 Why are AGNs important?



10. Star formation

10.1   Star formation

10.1.1 Stages of collapse into a protostar







10.1.2   Evolution of a protostar onto the main sequence For objects of stellar mass



 Masses above or below the stellar range






10.2 Spiral arms in galaxies

10.2.1 What marks spiral arms to make them bright?



10.2.2 How do they form? Density wave theory Sequential star formation



10.3 Mergers and starbursts

10.3.1 Do galaxies collide? What happens to them when they do?




10.3.2 What is a starburst?




10.4. How the solar system formed

10.4.1 Planet formation What stages to circumstellar disks go through?

 When do gas giant planets form?

 When do terrestrial planets form?





10.4.2 Evidence for planets around stars other than the sun How can we detect planets by measuring stellar Doppler shifts?
 What other means do we have to detect, or at least infer the existence, of planets around other stars?






11. The Solar System

11.1 Overview of the solar system

11.1.1 Terrestrial planets, list and chief characteristics




11.1.2 Giant planets, list and chief characteristics




11.1.3 What are the trends in planet properties within the solar system, as the distance from the sun increases? What produced them?