Outer Solar System Moons

Key points: Titan and its surface; nature of smaller moons; rings and what causes them

The larger moons of the outer planets are build up of icy materials. We can view them as having grown by comet impact rather than asteroid impact. Two large moons are notable -- Titan for Saturn, Triton for Neptune


  • nitrogen atmosphere,
  • trace of methane
  • surface features barely visible through clouds

Left, a visible light picture shows nothing because of the dense cloud layer surrounding the moon completely.



Land with Cassini Huygen's probe on the surface en00500_1.jpg (18578 bytes) (from Cassini-Huygens Project, http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/videos/huygens-probe/index.cfm)

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Above to the left, we see the surface as the probe came down toward it. There are drainage channels (probably liquid methane stream beds) leading to what looks like a lake, but is really a solid surface (note the fine structure in the image). To the right, the surface of Titan after landing. It has a somewhat slushy consistency, again probably indicating liquid methane just below a surface of frozen ice. The blocks are not rocks, they are chunks of ice. (Images from ESA/NASA/University of Arizona, see http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/news/events/huygensDescent/index.cfm   The radar image below shows the complex structure of a Titan "shoreline" (from Cassini Imaging Team via. APOD, http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap050921.html)
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Radar images of a region near the north pole of Titan reveal dark, smooth areas that are likely to be lakes of methane. This false color image of them is about 150 by 250 km in area. (Cassini radar mapper, NASA, ESA, JPL, via APOD: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070207.html)


titanlakes.jpg (127582 bytes)

Some news sources reported much more spectacular discoveriesbuttonex.jpg (1228 bytes)


Picture below, followed by artist's (Don Dixon) impression of the surface

Triton, Neptune's large moon

artist's concept of Neptune rise seen from Triton

geysers on Triton  

Vents or geysers on Triton (arrows). (From APOD, NASA, Voyager, C. J. Hamilton, http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap950805.html)

artist's concept of Tritonian geyser triton1.jpg (28040 bytes)
A vent on Triton (artist's concept).(From William Hartmann, http://www.psi.edu/hartmann/planets.html) Another version, by another artist (From David Hardy, http://www.hardyart.demon.co.uk/html/main.html

The smaller moons of the giant planets are mainly icy – more like comets than asteroidsbuttonex.jpg (1228 bytes)

As an example, we show Dione and Phoebe, moons of Saturn:

dione1.jpg (22237 bytes) Dione, to left from Cassini-Huygens, http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA09764

The "scratches" are bright walled canyons.

Phoebe, to right, from Cassini-Hurgens mission, http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.cfm


phoebe.jpg (64590 bytes)
artist's concept, surface view on Dione  

On the surface of Dione, from D. Seal http://samadhi.jpl.nasa.gov/art/surfaces.html

Tiny moons - objects that came too close and were captured - are being discovered all the time for all of the giant planets, so the total count of moons keeps risingbuttonex.jpg (1228 bytes)

We use this beautiful image of Saturn's moon Mimas (center right), the rings of Saturn (bottom), and the planet itself to transition from moons to rings. It was obtained by the Cassini orbiter,



mimas.jpg (20092 bytes)


Jupiter's Ring:

(Voyager Project http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/index.html)

rings of Jupiter

Rings around Uranus (http://www.solarviews.com/cap/index/planetaryrings1.html)

rings of Uranus closeup of rings of Uranus

Rings around Neptune: (http://www.solarviews.com/cap/index/planetaryrings1.html)

rings of Neptune close up of Neptune's rings

What makes rings??

animation showing rotation of Saturn's rings Rotation of Saturn rings shows subtle dark features, while the image to the right shows the complex structure imposed by gravitational tugs by Saturn's moons.

(from Cassini Huygens. http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.cfm

satrings.jpg (51151 bytes)
In Saturn's rings (William Hartmann) In Saturn's rings (painting by William Hartmann)

The rings are made almost entirely of small particles of water ice.

Rings are the result of breakup of moons. We calculate that the rings should not last for the life of solar system without being replenished. Thus, they may reflect relatively recent (on the scale of the 4.5 billion year age of the solar system) events causing small moons to break up.

One way to cause a moon to break up is by having gravitational interactions with other moons to cause it to go into an orbit that penetrates inside the Roche limit.

The Roche limit: distance at which tidal force on body is equal to its self-gravity

Large bodies held together by gravity will be broken up by tides if they are inside the Roche limit (animation by G. Rieke)

rochdemo2.gif (420081 bytes)
ring4.gif (793679 bytes) Here is how the Roche limit works if a moon's orbit takes it too close to the planet .(Adapted by G. Rieke from J. Barnes, http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~barnes/ast110/
artist's concept of an impact that creates a ring of debris Rings can be formed at any radius if there is a collision that breaks up satellites (as in this painting by Don Dixon),

but they are most likely to be within the Roche limit since self-gravity can no longer hold satellites together there.

illustration that most rings are within the Roche limit Most of the rings in fact lie within the Roche limit, with just a few outside. (illustration by G. Rieke)

Test your understanding before going onbuttongrad.jpg (11232 bytes)

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Galileo's original drawing of Jupiter and its moons.

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Child's book from,http://www.gasolinealleyantiques.com/cartoon/disney.htm

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hypertext copyright.jpg (1684 bytes) G. H. Rieke

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