Here are some possibilities:

scene from movie Contact with Jodie Foster telling governmant official the message was not "person-to-person" and should be released

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by Charles Addams, from the New Yorker, 11/1/1952

cartoon: "We sent a message to any extraterrestrial beings in deep space. It was picked up by an observatory in Great Britain. They didn't understand it." cartoon: "As I read it, we're receiving a message from outer space telling us to stop bombarding them with unintelligible messages."
cartoon: "As I understand it, they want an immediate answer. Only trouble is, the message was sent out 3 million years ago." From Sidney Harris,, see also

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from Gary Larson

cartoon strip: when exterrestrials get transmission of elaborate phone mail message, they decide to blow Earth up.

from Rudy Park, They Came from Outer Space,

cartoon: NASA search for extraterrestrial intelligence, "I contacted alpha Centauri..they say that for $29.50 a month, they'll unscramble their signal."